Potomac Double Down – February 16, 2003!

Scotty Bilz teaching at the 2010 Potomac Double Down. Ahheeeee!!!

Scotty Bilz teaching at the 2010 Potomac Double Down. Ahheeeee!!!

Every year the Bull Run Cloggers host the Potomac Double Down workshop in Haymarket, Virginia. I’ve been attending this workshop almost ever year (Yes, ice actually kept me away one year), and I’ve seen it’s growth since the beginning. The Bull Run Cloggers have done a fantastic job not only growing this event, but making this gathering a kind of family reunion. I love seeing old friends and meeting new ones every year!

Not only is it a great atmosphere, but you get to see all local instructors in action doing what they love to do – teaching! And what’s even better? They all bring there own unique style to their classes. This year, Andy Howard of American Racket from Florida will be the headliner. Andy has taught at workshops all around the country and has performed with American Racket all around the world. They most recently performed at Folklorida, a festival in South Korea. Andy will join area instructors Colleen Ward of the Hi-Horse Cloggers and Sundance Express, Cherylann Ward of the Radford University Cloggers, Jayne Treadwell of the Bull Run Cloggers, Joyce Guthrie of Blue Ridge Thunder Cloggers, Kathy Moore of the Calico Cloggers, Mary Smith of the Blue Ridge Thunder Cloggers, and myself – Dorothy Stephenson of the Little Switzerland Cloggers, Sundance Express, and Rhythmic Alliance. The Radford University Cloggers will also be on-site shaking a leg alongside their fellow teammate, Cherylann.

And after everything is said and done, enjoy seeing teams perform at the Fun Dance from 6 to 8 p.m.!

If you live in Virginia and you’re new to clogging workshops, this event is a great place to start. Like all clogging workshop, it is a family-friendly atmosphere, and everyone in attendance is very happy and helpful. Also, if you’re new to the area and looking for a team, this is a great place to connect with area teams. Event hosts Terry Kapp and the Bull Run Cloggers have done a fine job creating a successful and educational event for area cloggers. Hats off to these fine folks for continuing (to our knowledge) the only clogging workshop in the state of Virginia! Way to go, Terry and Bull Run!!

Welcome to the new VirginiaClog.com!


Thanks to everyone for continuing to view VirginiaClog.com! We’re making a few new changes to our site in 2013. One of them being, the site is now a blog! We will also be re-posting our past feature teams and instructors to give everyone a second look, and we will be searching for some new groups to feature as well! (Psst! If you know of teams who haven’t been featured on VirginiaClog, please let us know!)

As always, our goal is to gather information about all things clogging in Virginia. This site has been a wonderful tool to spread the word about all the clogging teams throughout the state. In addition, several individuals and organizations have also contacted VirginiaClog to find clogging groups in their area for both performances and for clogging instruction, so VirginiaClog is a great tool to Virginia Clogging teams! (Make sure to submit your contact information for our team listing page!)

As always, please feel free to submit any information to our site that you are trying to project to other Virginia teams. For instance, information about clogging workshops, competitions, or other events or maybe you have some old team outfits that you want to sell? Or maybe you’re searching for costumes? This blog presents an opportunity for a kind of “community clogging message board” in Virginia, so please feel free to send us information, comments, questions, or announcements!

And if you’re interested in contributing a post to our blog, we’re open to that, too! Just email us at virginiaclog@sundancestudio.org for your post idea!

Thank you again for stopping by!